Glam & Grow - Beauty Business Podcast

HauteCarat with President Abdul Mazin

Episode Summary

On this episode of the Glam & Grow podcast, we spoke with Abdul Mazin, Founder and President of HauteCarat.

Episode Notes

On this episode of the Glam & Grow podcast, we spoke with Abdul Mazin, Founder and President of HauteCarat.

HauteCarat designs beautiful lab-grown diamond jewelry. Despite the fact that lab-grown diamonds are chemically, physically, and optically indistinguishable from their mined counterparts, there’s still a bias against them among buyers and sellers in the diamond industry. 

One of the lessons Abdul shares in the episode is the perceived knowledge about the cheaper prices of lab-grown diamonds: that only “budget shoppers” would be interested in them. Yet HauteCarat’s experience has been the opposite. Their customers have large budgets to spend but are more focused on value and ethics.

Abdul gives insight into:


Abdul also shares the evolution of HauteCarat’s wildly popular “try at home” rings, and what pivot they made early on to better qualify those customers.

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