Glam & Grow - Beauty Business Podcast

PHYLA: The Microbiome Approach to Acne with Co Founder and CEO, Dr. Yug Varma

Episode Summary

Dr. Yug Varma has made it his mission to revolutionize microbiome research. With a rich background in bio-organic chemistry, microbiology, and synthetic biology, he’s set out to transform the way we tackle chronic bacterial diseases. Dr. Varma is not just advancing science; he's making it accessible to everyone, especially those battling acne. Introducing PHYLA, the game-changer in acne treatment. Born from Dr. Varma's groundbreaking research, PHYLA focuses on achieving clear, healthy skin through the power of phages. Unlike typical acne treatments that wipe out all bacteria—including the beneficial ones—PHYLA’s approach preserves a diverse microbiome. This means healthier skin, free from the side effects caused by harsh chemicals. Experience acne-free, glowing skin with PHYLA. It’s vegan, free from harmful chemicals like Benzoyl Peroxide, Parabens, and benzene, and dedicated to leaving your skin's microbiome thriving. Say goodbye to harsh treatments and hello to clear, radiant skin! In this episode, Dr. Varma also discusses: Acne- Current and Future Approaches How the phages in the Phortify Serum represent the first scientific breakthrough in acne treatment in 40 years The simplified 3 step Phyla Phage System Making products that are accessible and the impact of PHYLA We hope you enjoy this episode and gain valuable insights into Dr. Varma’s journey and the growth of PHYLA. Don't forget to subscribe to the Glam & Grow podcast for more in depth conversations with the most incredible brands, founders, and more. Be sure to check out PHYLA at and on Instagram at @phylabiotics

Episode Notes

Dr. Yug Varma has made it his mission to revolutionize microbiome research. With a rich background in bio-organic chemistry, microbiology, and synthetic biology, he’s set out to transform the way we tackle chronic bacterial diseases. Dr. Varma is not just advancing science; he's making it accessible to everyone, especially those battling acne.

Introducing PHYLA, the game-changer in acne treatment. Born from Dr. Varma's groundbreaking research, PHYLA focuses on achieving clear, healthy skin through the power of phages. Unlike typical acne treatments that wipe out all bacteria—including the beneficial ones—PHYLA’s approach preserves a diverse microbiome. This means healthier skin, free from the side effects caused by harsh chemicals.

Experience acne-free, glowing skin with PHYLA. It’s vegan, free from harmful chemicals like Benzoyl Peroxide, Parabens, and benzene, and dedicated to leaving your skin's microbiome thriving. Say goodbye to harsh treatments and hello to clear, radiant skin!

In this episode, Dr. Varma also discusses:

We hope you enjoy this episode and gain valuable insights into Dr. Varma’s journey and the growth of PHYLA. Don't forget to subscribe to the Glam & Grow podcast for more in depth conversations with the most incredible brands, founders, and more.

Be sure to check out PHYLA at and on Instagram at @phylabiotics

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